To read to your own premature child, or to give as a gift, this 26 page illustrated poem will inspire hope for premature parents around the world.
A beautiful, textured, hard cover children's book, with recycled paper internals. The ideal gift for premature babies.
A Note from Nick and Hannah Stenmark (Author & Illustrator):
"We’re so pleased you made it here. We are parents to a beautiful premature baby, and are thrilled that this book is finally available to be shared with other families going through what we did.
It's written by Dad, and illustrated by Mum.
When babies come early and are sick, they are mostly incubated right away. This creates a divide between the parents and their newborn. Doctors and nurses suggest reading to our babies, even through the incubator walls, to make us feel connected and have them hear our voice. And science has proven that reading to babies, especially premmies, helps build essential neurological pathways.
This book is designed to be read by parents to their premature or sick babies. At a time when all hope feels lost, this illustrated poem will build emotional strength and optimism while helping parents feel connected to their vulnerable child.
It’s also a beautiful keepsake for parents who have a child that was premature but no longer in hospital."
"This book is an aid for any parent dealing with the confronting reality of having a premature or sick baby. It will soothe you on your journey and help you connect to your baby who would love to hear your voice."
Alexis Fox. Nurse Unit Manager, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Royal North Shore Hospital
“Reading to your premature child is one of the most important and nourishing things you can do. This book makes it a truly beautiful experience.”
Clinical Professor Michael Nicholl. Clinical Director, Maternal, Neonatal and Women’s Health Network,Northern Sydney Local Health District