♡ Made by a Mumma who has been there before ♡

Behind the Scenes at Miracle Mumma

Our 30-weeker and inspiration for Miracle Mumma, James, recently turned ONE! We got some beautiful photos and I thought this would be the perfect time to introduce my family & our story to my new followers. Most of my recent followers would have subscribed to our website via an article or news story, so you may already know the basics. I will give another quick run-down on these, and then tell you some things about us you probably wouldn’t know.

My name is Amy, I’m 28 years old, a nurse by trade (currently on maternity leave) who loves coffee, camping and Instagram! I’m married to Scott, 30 years old, a linesman who loves beer, AFL and books. I don't mention him much on my page, but he is the guy behind the scenes posting my parcels, helping me package my wholesale orders, and keeping James entertained while I respond to emails (all after a busy day at work). We live in the Adelaide Hills (South Australia) in a home we have quickly outgrown but one we never want to leave! It took us close to 2 years (including fertility treatment and a miscarriage) to finally conceive our little boy*. My pregnancy was deemed high risk as I have a severe bicornuate uterus, or ‘heart-shaped’ uterus, meaning I have two separate horns which are separated by a septum. Mine is quite severe, with the septum extending almost to my cervix. James was in the right ‘horn’ of my uterus (yes I was lopsided!), his growth became restricted and he eventually ran out of room. James was born 10 weeks early in February 2016. He arrived looking very bruised and swollen with widespread petechiae (bleeding into the skin), and was soon diagnosed with a rare blood-clotting disorder called ‘neonatal allo-immune thrombocytopaenia’ or NAIT. He received life-saving transfusions from a very special donor and this condition corrected itself within the first couple weeks of his life. We are extremely lucky that he didn’t suffer any long-term complications from this, and have even been told he wouldn’t have survived just a week longer in the womb - he basically saved his own life by coming early! I still believe this was a huge factor in his pre-term birth, although we will never know how big a part my uterus and this condition played. Apart from this, James was born extremely healthy, and was only on CPAP and oxygen for 48 hours. The rest of his hospital journey was uncomplicated and he was home with us after 5 weeks.

Somehow, a year has already passed since the day he decided he was ready for this world. Which means, 18 months have already passed since we lost his brother/sister, and three years have passed since we first decided to try for him. Although two years ago I had lost all faith in ever becoming a Mum, today I look back and realise that moving forward I must have faith in the process. This is exactly how it was meant to be. I celebrated his First Birthday feeling like the luckiest person in the world, knowing that


“sometimes the bad things that happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the best things that will ever happen to us”

I’m going to let the pictures tell the story of his first birthday. I have credited the incredible suppliers of some of the decorations below (otherwise click on the pictures in the gallery to see suppliers). Most of our 'Wild One' theme was inspired by Instagram & Pinterest!

Premature Baby Premature Baby One Year Old

James One Day Old versus James One Year Old! The storm trooper toy he has in his hands in the second photo is the same as the first photo - it was almost as big as his head!


Wild One First Birthday Party Wild One First Birthday Party Wild One First Birthday PartyWild One First Birthday Party Wild One First Birthday PartyWild One First Birthday Party Wild One First Birthday Party Wild One First Birthday Party Cake Wild One First Birthday Party
Wild One First Birthday Party Wild One First Birthday PartyWild One First Birthday Party

Photos by A Mother's Love Photography - Adelaide

James' Crown - Essi & Co (www.essiandco.com) - My MIL sewed on the fur!
James' Romper - Little A & LJ (www.littleaandlj.com/)
James' Shoes - Bobux (www.bobux.com.au)
My Dress & Scott's Shirt - Universal Store (www.universalstore.com)
My Flower Crown - Lovisa (www.lovisa.com.au)
'James' Bunting on table - Belly Bottom Children (www.bellybottom.com.au/)
James First Birthday Print - Miracle Mumma (www.miraclemumma.com.au)
'James' Cake Topper - Love from Seventeen (www.lovefromseventeen.nz/)
Animal Cake Toppers - Schleich Figurines - available at Toys R Us
Other Cake decorations - local florist
Vintage High Chair - Borrowed from my MIL!
Teepee - Borrowed from a friend!
Mosquito Net, James Bear Beanie & Chalkboard - Op Shop

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