'You are more than everything that is difficult.'
Even more than the anxiety for your future, is the wonder of what it will entail.
Even more than the fear for your health, is the confidence that you can overcome it all.
Even more than the stress of your daily struggles, is the calmness that you bring to our lives.
Even more than the overwhelm of your appointments and therapies, is the ease I feel being your mum.
Even more than my helplessness in the face of your suffering, is my ability to always make you feel safe.
Even more than the trauma that comes from your tests and surgeries, is the healing power of your hugs at the end of it all.
Even more than the exhaustion of advocating, is the fire I have inside to fight for you.
Even more than the guilt I feel for not being enough, is the comfort of knowing I'm everything you need.
And even more powerful than the way my heart shatters when I see you in pain, is YOU - the glue that pieces it back together.
YOU are more than everything that is difficult.
You are everything