♡ Made by a Mumma who has been there before ♡

Miracle Mumma

  • The Diary of a Premature Baby – Part 2

    Today Mum was discharged from the postnatal ward which made her cry (again!) She said she didn’t want to leave the hospital without taking me too, and didn’t want to be so far away at night time. This also made me sad. My last IV line has been removed – I feel light as a feather! The bright light from above my home was taken away (I mustn’t look so yellow anymore) and I no longer have to wear my sunglasses. I opened my eyes real wide but couldn’t see much – it’s all black and white and blurry. I gripped onto Mum and Dad’s fingers today, they feel so strong and safe. I love that they are always by my side.
  • The Diary of a Premature Baby – Part 1

    Many stories have already been written and shared describing parents’ personal experiences of their time spent with their premature baby(s) in NICU...
  • ‘Get me out now!’ : Why we are calling James our ‘miracle man’

    Most of you are probably aware that we keep calling James our miracle. It’s not purely because of our fertility struggle or even his birth story – there’s more! This blog will describe why James needed to be born when he did, and why he may not have survived just a week longer in the womb. We like to think he paved his own path and essentially saved his own life.
  • Going into labour at 30 weeks pregnant : from mucous plug to the final Code Zero

    Her words exactly were ‘we need to go NOW’. I heard a ‘Code Zero’ being called on the overheard speakers – and it was for me. Within seconds I had about 10 people surrounding me asking me a million questions. Scott was thrown a pair of scrubs and I was being pushed out the door to theatre. I will NEVER forget this feeling. It was like I was in a movie. I had the anaesthetist running beside me telling me I needed to have a general anaesthetic. I kept saying ‘no, I’m having a spinal block, I need to be awake’ and his stern face saying ‘Amy, there’s no time’...